Please accompany your pets when you let them outside, especially at night, dawn and dusk.
A coyote was on a resident's deck
at 4:55 a.m. this morning (southeast of the gazebo). It did not
seem to be bothered by the deck light, but did run away once the owner tapped
on the glass.
At 8:00 a.m. residents on the golf course
side spotted the coyote near the pond toward the 26th tee box.
Another resident spotted the coyote on the
walking path at 11:45 a.m. It did come up to their deck also.
course, if you feel threatened by a coyote in anyway (if animal is sick, wounded, rabid, etc.) call the Canton Police
department to report it. These animals can be trapped and relocated by the DNR, if they become a nuisance to our community.
The following is part of a brochure that is available on the DNR website regarding the Coyote.,4570,7-153-10370_12145_12205-60378--,00.htmlCoyote SMART Brochure
Description and Life History
Coyotes can be difficult to distinguish from a medium sized German shepherd dog from a distance. There is wide variation in the coyote's color, but generally their upper body is yellowish gray, and the fur covering the throat and belly is white to cream color. The coyote's ears are pointed and stand erect, unlike the ears of domestic dogs that often droop. When observed running, coyotes carry their bushy, black tipped tail below the level of their back. Wolves, which are found in Michigan's Upper Peninsula, are larger than coyotes and carry their tail in a horizontal position while running. The size and weight of coyotes are commonly overestimated, because their long fur masks a bone structure that is slighter than that of most domestic dogs…
Coyotes are opportunistic and will
eat almost anything available. Small mammals such as mice, voles, shrews,
rabbits, hares, and squirrels are preferred foods. However, insects, fruits,
berries, birds, frogs, snakes, plants, and seeds round out their diet. In areas
with high deer numbers, carrion resulting from vehicle deer collisions, natural
causes, and crippling losses is an important source of food. In urban areas,
coyotes are attracted to garbage, garden vegetables, and pet foods. They will also prey on
unattended small dogs and cats, if opportunities exist…
Their presence in subdivisions and urban or suburban areas, while surprising to many folks, is a result of increasing populations (both coyote and human) and encroachment of human environments into their natural habitat (from development of rural areas…
Coyote-Human Interactions
Coyotes rarely attack humans. Bites from snakes, rodents, and domestic dogs are a far greater possibility than coyote bites, according to public health authorities. However, coyotes that are fed become accustomed to people and present a human safety risk. People should never intentionally feed or attempt to tame coyotes. It is in the best interest of both coyotes and humans if coyotes retain their instinctive fear of people. The following important points can help minimize potential conflicts with coyotes:
· Never approach or touch a coyote
· Never intentionally feed a coyote
· Eliminate all outside food sources, especially pet foods
· Put garbage out the morning of pickup day
· Good husbandry practices, guard animals, and coyote control measures can help to protect livestock
· Do not allow pets to roam free when coyotes are present - consider keeping pets indoors or accompany them outside, especially at night
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